January 25, 2016

The Hard Way - Annapurna South Face 1970

This entertaining film directed by John Edwards and released in 1971, documents the first ascent of the very difficult and steep South Face of Annapurna, a huge Himalayan wall that the right team could achieve the seemingly impossible.

 The Hard Way - Annapurna South Face 1970

The ascent of the South Face of Annapurna in 1970 was one of those breakthrough ascents - both technically and psychologically. Chris Bonington assembled the cream of British mountaineering like Martin Boysen, Mike Burke, Ian Clough, Nick Escourt, Tom Frost, Dougal Haston, Mike Thompson and Don Whillans for the ambitious attempt. The documentary is punctuated by wry observation, understatement and cutting humor from a by-gone age when the game of taking huge risks was matched by a determination not to take it too seriously. The summit triumph leads to unexpected tragedy, a common theme in the Himalaya, but never told more poignantly as in the classic film.

The Hard Way was awarded Best Climbing Film in Trento Mountain Film Festival 1971.

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